Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Brendon Burchard: $10,000,000 Case Study in Writing

I am very pleased to say that I am posting this blog post with special permission from Brendon Burchard himself, author of "The Millionaire Messenger" "Life's Golden Ticket" and "The Charge."

I have been drawn to Brendon's work for a number of years now and was exceedingly pleased when I saw him write a case study specifically related to author's making money. Considering the fact that this guy has not only made #1 on the best-seller lists multiple times, but is in fact a multi-millionaire...he knows what he is talking about.


I messaged Brendon and told him of my blog and all you wonderful followers asking him if it would be ok to share his content here--and he graciously replied in the positive. So here is his case study:


Although his principles deal more with the how-to industry and writing than the fiction or poetry fields and writing I can tell you from experience (having used some of his business strategies from his books and read the same thing from authors such as Tim Ferriss and Chris Guillebeau) that many of the tactics he uses for product creation and sale are transferable

Be sure to take a look!

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