Friday, September 21, 2012

A Sneaky Way To Sell A Few More Of Your Books And Get The Word Out For Free has taken over the universe as far as business cards go. But they also print just about everything, including post-cards. They are by no means the only printer available for such things, but one thing that vistaprint (and a few others) do that is very enticing and rewarding is offer you deals where you can aquire 250 free business cards or 100 free postcards, and you just pay shipping. The offers vary from time to time but it is definitly worth looking into if you are an author with a product.

Say for example, you have a self-published or a small press book. It could be anything, fiction, a memoir, poetry--it doesn't even have to be a book for that matter, but let's just use book as a prime example. Assuming you have a link online where the book can be found and/or purchased (and if you don't--there is a serious problem!) then taking advantage of these free offers can do you absolutly no harm at all!

I find postcards tend to work the best because you can fit more on there than just the name, a line or two and the website. Assuming your book aquired any kind of favorable blurbs or testimonials either before or after publication (and if it hasn't yet, start working on that because blurbs are a very good marketing tool!) you can take a picture of your book's cover and put it on the postcard, along with a good blurb or two about the quality of the book. Couple that with the web address where one can aquire the book, maybe an email address for those interested who want to know more and a breif description of what the book is about and bingo--you have a perfectly sound marketing tool available to you for nothing more than a few minutes of time and the shipping costs required to send them to you.

You can hand these postcards or business cards out everywhere. Not only does this send a message that you are a published author--but a serious one, but it gets people interested because word of mouth is one thing--seeing the picture of the book and what people say about it is something else entirely. You can bet that a decent number of people who recieve the post cards will at least visit the website.

Like I said, vistaprint is the first one that comes to mind for this type of free offer but there are plenty more out there. Don't hesitate to look around and take advantage of all these offers where you see them. Even if the end result only yields one or two additional sales of your product--it was well worth it.

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